Rapidgator cancel subscription

Cancel subscription & frequent questions

What to do after Rapidgator.net Premium cancellation

How to cancel your Rapidgator account, subscription.

Before you can cancel your Rapidgator account, log in to your account first.

Then open these settings. Check the "Cancel current subscription" box and confirm the change by entering your password and a captcha (otherwise the settings will not be saved).

In these settings you can cancel your Rapidgator.net premium account subscription
In these settings you cancel the subscription of your Rapidgator.net premium account.

More and more users cancel their Rapidgator premium account. On the one hand, customers are dissatisfied with the customer service or are often not even aware that they have taken out a subscription. Many customers are shocked to discover that the service automatically deducts money from the user's account and renews the premium account. This happens even when customers no longer use their premium account. Here you can find out how to cancel your Rapidgator.net subscription and avoid further debits in the future.

Cancellation of Rapidgator premium - possible reasons

Cancellation may also occur on the part of Rapidgator, even though this really only happens very rarely. This can happen if you did not purchase your premium account directly on Rapidgator, but on third party platforms like Ebay, Classifieds or similar portals. Furthermore, it is not allowed to share a Rapidgator premium account with multiple users. This will quickly lead to a temporary suspension, or termination.

Do you need further assistance?

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